Kelly Wey | Associate Board Warrior, Foster & Team Leader

Hi! Wanting to share why/how I came to be a volunteer/foster at the most wonderful MCP Rescue!!

In 2017, as one of my bestest dogs was nearing the end of her time, I met Marta. I had already had “the talk” with Lucy, my Rottie, that when it was time for her to go, I would listen and be by her side. I had also told Lucy that she would be my last “forever” dog and asked her to send dogs to me who really had to be in my home….

Enter Marta. Marta- who is passionate about animals, and giving those over-looked and under-appreciated dogs a chance at a new wonderful life!! I loved everything about the rescue. I loved that the rescue took chances on behavioral-issues dogs, and pooches who had such medical needs that most people wouldn’t have wasted a dime. I loved seeing the stories of “before and after”. I cried with joy and sorrow for all of these stories.

Lucy passed on November 14, 2017. And although I truly thought I’d take the winter off with no dog in my home, nine days later, on Thanksgiving, I picked up my first foster, Cash, a white pittie who smelled like death and was so skinny to boot! We drove home with windows rolled down, heat cranked up, and upon arriving home, I turned to him and said “Dude, you’re getting a bath. Please don’t eat me!!”

Cash went on to his best life, as almost all the others have done (RIP Stella and Bruno).

My friends ask how I can do this- bring a dog into my home, help them feel comfortable and loved (sometimes for the very first time), and then send them to a new home…. I do it with honor. I do it with love. For every dog who can call my house “home” and then go to their best forever, then that leaves another opening for yet another dog who needs our help.

Can’t stop/won’t stop.