Marta Kenar | Founder & Executive Director

I am Marta and MCP is my dream come to life.

Never in a million years did I think that my childhood vision of helping my best friends, animals, would gain its own identity (and become a success at that). Animals have always been the ones I counted on, laughed with, spoke to, understood, learned, watched, and befriended, ever since I could remember. I was bullied in my younger formative/prepubescent years and animals kept me alive with a feeling of self worth, humor, humility and unconditional love. I spoke animal a million and one times better than I spoke human, and I continue to do so today. Communication is the key to success in every aspect of life, whether personal relationship, friendship, or business. Communication is the current that connects beings, in either a healthy or an unhealthy way; In a successful or unsuccessful way. It is my vision and goal in life, to be the voice of the unseen and misunderstood. To provide a platform where the overlooked, the forgotten, the injured, the sick, the neglected and abused animals, have a safe space to bloom into their unique, individualistic, and beautiful ways. A place where idiosyncrasies and individualism is valued and protected. A place where being different than the societal “norms” is considered beautiful and celebrated. A place where a whole lot of effort, commitment, time, compassion, empathy and vigilance is provided to help our animals become the best versions of themselves.

Ultimately matching each with human individuals that are willing to put in the work, understanding and boundary protection to keep the momentum of growth and success going, Forever. It’s about quality not quantity as everyone in our family matters equally. I am so incredibly grateful to the Pack that is MCP, to the outstanding, and relentless individuals that help build this foundation, day by day, and excited for all that is to come. Rescue depletes me as much as it completes me and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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